Intellex Dynamic Reporting for CFM Apps

Customer Feedback Monitor 1.05
Personalized dashboards for all members ofyourorganization make for a clear overview and structure in theresults.Immerse yourself in a specific part of the customerexperience.Monitor all of your KPI’s with ease, set goals andbenchmarks forseparate departments as well as your entireorganization. Rankingsare displayed in a clear and visual fashion.This way you have access to the most recent data, at anygivenmoment. To put the icing on the cake: your clients’ realstoriesare only a click away. Take a step beyond the numbers andfind outhow your clients truly feel.To make optimal use of this app, it is important to haveacorrect online set-up of your settings as well as anactivedashboard including widgets. As soon as you have set thisuponline, it will show in the app.CFM is a software company that develops customer orientedCXsoftware solutions and markets them worldwide, not only directlytoend-users, but also through a specialized reseller network.Localexpertise and support is available in areas like theNetherlands,Belgium, the USA, Canada, the UK, Sweden, Norway,Finland, Denmark,Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Intellex, Checkyour Service, CYSKlantfeedback, InITova, ThinqOnline and Reflectare partners andtheir clients make use of CFM (Customer FeedbackMonitor)Software.